Sindy was launched in 1963 as ‘The Doll You Love To Dress’, and soon became Britain’s best-selling and most loved, teenage fashion doll around. Sindy has always led the way with the latest fashion trends and is inspirational to her fans. Sindy has sold over 150,000,000 dolls to date, spanning successive generations of Sindy fans around the world. Her iconic ‘girl next door’ appeal and best-friend status with millions of Sindy fans has led her to become one of the most well known and loved childhood brands of all time. That status continues to today with fans being proud to say they are part of the 'Sindy Set' and want to introduce Sindy to future generations. Sindy’s appeal spans many generations (young and old), delivering multiple opportunities to make Sindy part of fan’s everyday lives.
History of SindyWhen Sindy launched in 1963 by Pedigree Dolls and Toys Limited, she quickly became one of the most loved dolls of all times and remains that to this today.
By the late 60s, Sindy was one of the biggest selling girls toys around, taking on American rival Barbie toe-to-toe and winning! She went on to enjoy massive sales through the decades, selling over 150,000,000 dolls worldwide.
Girls look to her as a role model, best friend and fashion icon.
From the beginning, Sindy represented everything that was aspirational for Sindy fans, with great fashions (including outfits designed by Mary Quant), popular accessories and playsets (including her own horse and MG convertible) and even a boyfriend inspired by Paul from The Beatles.
Sindy remains a best friend and trusted companion to millions of her loyal fans, who are proud to be part of the “Sindy Set” forever.
Who is Sindy?Sindy is more than a doll, she’s a friend, who is confident, aspirational and a role model. She likes to follow the latest fashions and is keen to travel to as many parts of the world as she can.
She loves listening to music and looks forward to the summer when she can go to all the amazing festivals. Sindy likes to meet up with her friends for coffee and of course they all enjoy going to parties! Family and home are as important to Sindy as are friends and she likes nothing more than pyjama days on the sofa watching her favourite TV programmes.
Sindy’s original sculpt and iconic look is timeless and very special. Fresh, stylish and fun, are all words regularly used to describe Sindy. These are qualities often specified in the design of other well-loved brands but rarely achieved. Somehow, with Sindy it came together, with her classic sculpt universally recognised for its natural beauty.
Brand PositioningThere are 2 distinct target audiences for Sindy:
Target Audience: “Today’s New Young Sindy Fans” 3-8yrs:- Sindy represents the best of childhood play, as she is a best friend and an inspirational role model to her fans.
- She is beautiful, independent, fashionable and fun.
- Today’s parents and grandparents want to introduce their kids to Sindy and give them the same affectionate memories they have of her.
- Sindy is a unique, original and striking property.
- Sindy has a very loyal fan base, who are very proud to say they are true Sindy fans and part of the "Sindy Set".
- What makes Sindy unique to other brands is her trusted history with millions of Sindy fans worldwide, spanning several decades (now aged 20-60 years).
- Sindy represents all things good about childhood memories and allows fans to relive these with affection.
- She holds a special place in millions of fans hearts and offers instant brand recognition and appeal.
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